By like - 14/03/2009 05:50 - United States

Today, I decided it would be pretty amusing to press the "Like" button on everyone's status on Facebook without reading them just to get on peoples' nerves. After re-reading them later, I found out one of them said "I MISS YOU SOO MUCH GRANDMOM. RIP". I liked that her grandmother died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 658
You deserved it 200 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eliasqfuntybunt 2

Um, yeah, you deserved that. You set out to be a prick, then you acted like one. Whoopsie ******* daisy.

You do realize there is an 'unlike' button right?


squirrelbait 0

just say that you liked it because you were showing sympathy

JacksonCampbell 9

I've dine that multiple times.

eliasqfuntybunt 2

Um, yeah, you deserved that. You set out to be a prick, then you acted like one. Whoopsie ******* daisy.

Couldn't of said it better myself. Lol.

EmDizzle2007 28

what was the other option?? at that point on Facebook, there were no reaction options. when you post something like that, what do you expect people to do?? how can you be mad that they interacted with it in one of that only possible ways?? get of your high horse.

Idiot >_>" Read (if you can...) before clicking anything

Drummerboy1234 0

technically, OP liked it correctly. you could say you were liking the fact the the grandma should rest in peace.

122, or the fact that she just dropped dead

haha, though it was a pretty low chance that you'd have someone on there with a facebook status like that, you still deserve it for absentmindedly clicking

You do realize there is an 'unlike' button right?

yeah, once you ptress like, it sez unlike

bryce0110 23

It will still show up in that person's notifications that someone liked that comment and it will say who.

Kassad_fml 0

You clicked LIKE because you are missing her too.. right huh?

nlr 9

or to show she was gonna pray for her and her family...

Exactly! You liked it because you're praying for that person or offering your condolences. I had a status up about a late family member and people "liked" it because they were consoling me. Don't sweat it too much, OP!

Not necessarily. It could just mean you understand the way they feel. Unless, of course, both your grandmothers are still alive. Then you're just a dumbass.