By oops - 22/08/2014 14:35 - Australia - Wembley

Today, I stuck one of those "kick me" signs on my friend's back for fun, and someone took the invitation. Unfortunately, my friend whirled around and beat the shit out of him. I managed to sneak the sign off his back, but now I feel like a total asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 531
You deserved it 50 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should feel like an asshole, are you in sixth grade? I didn't know then"kick me" gag was still existent.

Were you not expecting some one to kick him? F that random guys life, not yours...


In all fairness, nobody forced him to kick the dude. Dumb prank, dumb guy going along with it.

jackm0920 1

That's not an FML. that's awesome

Although I do still think op is an A++ dick head for putting the sign on him and then not stopping him from hurting the guy. the person who actually kicked him is an idiot too... who the hell kicks someone they don't know. even if there is a sticker on him... he seems like a complete idiot to me as well. I'd honestly say **** your friends life since I'm almost sure he had penalties for that.

Idk why everyone is taking this so serious, where I am from a sign like that everyone just laughs at it, I think you were unlucky that someone actually did it cause no one ever does, besides who kicks someone they don't know just because of a sign

There's a special place in hell for u people!!!!!!!!! ??

No problem. Anybody who kicks someone deserves a good shit kicking, and anyone who beats the crap out someone for a kick in the bum deserves a swift kick in the ass. seems like everything worked out fine.

**** that random guy. He knew what the damn deal was.