By haileelouxxx - 22/08/2014 12:05 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my boss slapped me across the face with a raw chicken breast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 624
You deserved it 5 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dreamsorrow93 24

Least it wasn't human. I'm sure that would have been more awkward.


Dreamsorrow93 24

Least it wasn't human. I'm sure that would have been more awkward.

idk I think I might prefer a human breast... ya know... because of salmonella and stuff

I guess human breast would be preferred if it were still attached to the anterior chest wall. And not raw.

If it was still attached to the anterior chest wall, then it'd definitely be raw. And I do think it would be more preferable to be slapped with a human breast, fun even.

Would you prefer it had been a cooked human breast?

Sounds like the boss is a real turkey. I'd advise the OP to flip him the bird and fly far away before he gets goosed.

Maybe if OP stopped clucking around during work he wouldn't get slapped.

Her boss was challenging OP to a duel, clearly. He lacked gloves, hence the chicken breast.

The worst part about this is that I keep imagining this all happening in an office, which usually isn't a place for a chicken breast to be laying around...

Yeah, what kind of work place has raw chicken breasts lying around?

TiaBug 13
olpally 32

Beating you with his meat... What a jerk. File a complaint.

sleaves 26

Aaaand I am not eating at that restaurant.

Shame you don't know which restaurant it is that you need to avoid. Now you're doomed to be forever looking at every restaurant/chicken shop with suspicious eyes and wondering if this is where the breast bashing boss works.

If it even is a restaurant. I picture it in an office and it's a lot funnier.

sleaves 26

Good thing I don't like chicken...

23lf 16

I can't even think of a situation when this makes halfway sense!

mansfield_j 27

Take a whole chicken and throw it at him.