Classic move

By Anonymous - 01/04/2022 20:00 - Canada - Saint-jérôme

Today, I walked up to my friend and slapped her ass, because that’s what we always do. Turns out, it wasn’t my friend, it was a total stranger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 256
You deserved it 1 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So...have you been charged with sexual harassment? Did the stranger strike you for spanking them? Did you apologize and let her spank you back in return? I wonder how you mistaken their identity. Did you look at her ass and thought that it looked familiar without looking at their face? 😭 We need a follow up.

They won't be a total stranger anymore. Either they'll be your new best friend, or the complainant who's getting you arrested.


So...have you been charged with sexual harassment? Did the stranger strike you for spanking them? Did you apologize and let her spank you back in return? I wonder how you mistaken their identity. Did you look at her ass and thought that it looked familiar without looking at their face? 😭 We need a follow up.

They won't be a total stranger anymore. Either they'll be your new best friend, or the complainant who's getting you arrested.

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