By wantmeasandwich - 10/07/2015 16:57 - India - Mumbai

Today, I stayed over at my boyfriend's house for the first time. He soon found out about my sleep-talking habit. I started ranting about "electron shaming" and I apparently passionately support their "sub-atomic lifestyle". Yes, he managed to get it on video. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 371
You deserved it 3 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm positive that he's a keeper. Positive as a proton.

dutchman327 3

This can hopefully be something you two can laugh about :)


I hope you're a Chem major, at the very least

I'm positive that he's a keeper. Positive as a proton.

dutchman327 3

This can hopefully be something you two can laugh about :)

Geckosrock99 33

You're better off laughing with him about it than making a big deal about it.

If electrons want to be that way, I say let them

I've always found them to be such a negative bunch. Always on the move too, never taking the time to appreciate things.

They're *****. Jumping from one atom to another when they get unstable.

Ion the other hand am going for team proton as I prefer a stable and positive outlook.

I never cared for Protons too much, actually. They always have to be in the center of things.

I have always considered neutrons big hypocrites. Appearing all neutral and shit, but always sticking with the protons.

Protons and neutrons are just misunderstood, they always hold electrons at a distance. they really want to be closer together, like one big happy proton star.

This is a YouTube channel waiting to happen.