By Anonymous - 10/07/2015 17:07 - United States

Today, as always, I have a type of eczema that flares up when I'm stressed out or anxious. And today, the girl I've been in love with for 4 years asked me out on a date. We meet up in a few hours, and right now I look like I have smallpox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 619
You deserved it 1 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

piemanfood 19

Just explain the situation to her. I'm sure she'll understand

karcummings 19

if she truly cares for you, she will understand.


piemanfood 19

Just explain the situation to her. I'm sure she'll understand

OP said he's been in love with the girl for 4 years meaning he's most likely known her the whole time. I'm sure she knows what OP looks like normally.

karcummings 19

if she truly cares for you, she will understand.

nataliewby 25

If she's interested in you for who you are and not just your looks, I'm sure she'll see past it

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Guess you just have to harden up and get through the date.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

wait. you waited for her to ask you out.

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I love how both of these comments are totally valid and they got down voted.

jomar_19 17

if you explain, mayne she'll understand and think that its kinda cute that you're nervous about the date

I'm pretty uneducated on eczema so excuse my ignorance, but is there prevention for this type? Or at least some kind of control?

karcummings 19

not really. its just itchy and irritating.

I have it too. You never know what stressful situation will make it flare up, but when it does, that's when you can start to treat it. I hope OP has a good topical prescription for his eczema, because that is what I found is best to help it out besides trying to keep calm :)

If she really likes you, she won't pay mind to it. You'll be fine :)