By MySummerinEurope - 25/05/2012 22:59 - Belgium - Brussels

Today, I started my third day of a student exchange program in Belgium. My room-mate is a guy, our beds are in the same room, and he's always in and out of the bathroom. Consequently, I don't have nearly enough privacy to choke the cock, if you know what I mean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 563
You deserved it 29 813

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do it in the shower! There's something wrong if your roommate comes in while you're in there...

all4pooh 4

I do. I do know what you mean..


pazzi3920 1

Actually they have a sign at my university in the boys bathroom saying something along those lines! They clogged the drains almost 2 years ago in a dorm.

stewpididiot 11

Not with **** they didn't....

perdix 29

"if you know what I mean?" Who are you? Pitbull? I swear, about half his English lyrics are that. If I knew what the Spanish for that was, I'd be able to account for most of those lyrics, too.

imavelociraptor 6

Seriously dude... You are upset about that? If you are that desperate that it is this much of a problem go get a girlfriend. And if you aren't into va-jay-jays then "do" your room-mate. This is really sad though

Maybe it's time to get yourself away from "jill" and find yourself a piece of Belgian pussy.

It's kinda sick that that's all you wanna do. Find another hobby. Or a girl?

So if your roomie was a girl you would do it? You are sick!

Why not go out and find a hot chick to ****? Screw choking the chicken I mean "****". Pussy>>>hand

bubo_fml 10

2 words 4 U...Red Light District!