By I hear everything... - 22/04/2017 18:00

Today, I can now identify which of my four roommates is using the washroom, based on their grunts. I just love having a bedroom beside the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 081
You deserved it 304

Same thing different taste

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Of all the noises I've heard coming from bathrooms, I think I prefer to hear only grunts.

Soon, you'll be able to tell the level of fiber in each of their diets. Maybe you ought to invest in some earplugs.


Of all the noises I've heard coming from bathrooms, I think I prefer to hear only grunts.

Soon, you'll be able to tell the level of fiber in each of their diets. Maybe you ought to invest in some earplugs.

At least you'll always know when it's empty!! And if the walls are that thin, they're probably saying the same about you.

Druu 53

Speakers to the wall. Ride of the Valkyries. Time the plops.

Vampirequeen346 8

You're not alone, my bedroom is also right beside the bathroom.. ?

Manual_Manoosy 21

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species4872 19

One wonders what they hear when you're in there.

I feel you, op; I live in a family composed by 6 people, and my bed is directly against the wall leading to the bathroom. 2 advices: always keep something in your ears, be it earplugs or headphones, and just be patient, you'll get used to it, eventually

I feel your pain, op. My first share house out of home was with two girls. The petite brunette was was the noisiest pee-er. My bedroom was right next to the toilet. I switched my bed around, and thought about her as an alarm clock: moment I heard her door open, I was up! Hang in there!