By gullible - 21/02/2010 02:38 - United States

Today, I travelled across an ocean to visit the guy I'm dating. He lied to me about his apartment; he lives in a dorm with a twin-sized bed and a bathroom he shares with 8 guys. Just now, after taking 3 trains from the airport to his "apt", he asked me to edit his essay while he goes to class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 973
You deserved it 8 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah that really sucks.He sounds selfish and obviously you can do better :). Goodluck

dudeitsdanny 9

If it's an online relationship, I'm sorry to say you kinda deserved it. if you knew him, and he simply moved away, then FYL.


Ah that really sucks.He sounds selfish and obviously you can do better :). Goodluck

Reyo 2

Why am I getting the suspicion that it's less "guy I'm dating" and more "guy I met online"?

wtfsauce 0

I assumed that this was the case.

hmm, eight guys. one bathroom. take advantage of this opportunity, make a documentary...

FireNinja 3

I agree. I'm also betting he has a gf that is close by to him.

@laurenheartsyou- I think u want an 8 guy gangbang

Well! I found out that the guy I'm dating lives in a shoebox in the middle of the road with one hundred fifty others, working twenty-four hours a day for sixpence every four years!

theian01 3

10 way. It's him and 8 guys. So 9 guys. 1 girl to **** them all...

ydi for dating online you ******* retard.

p3rfect_ins4nity 0

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JonathanG_fml 0

wow. I stopped at 8guys in one restroom, YDI

Hey,I said two and ten ! YDI. for being a dirty *****!!

amazinggbaby 2

How does that make her a *****? That's like me saying "Your a dag because you wrote that comment" the two aren't correlated

Snezzle 0

A dag is an Australian slang to describe someone as dopey, stupid or silly (silly in the positive sense- which is me! lol) Dag may also refer to social awkwardness

pandorasnymph 0
garuru 4

today this girl i met online came over to my house unexpectedly and found out i lied about my appartment so i thought id distract her of my appartment by asking her to edit my essay she left FML

do a global "find and replace" and replace the word "the" with "the *******". hehehe

jonnyplayzaguita 0

YDI for dating someone across the ****** ocean

EllyH 0

Allright, just take the next possible flight home.

stealthpanda 1

ydi for dating a guy you don't really know!

How do you know that she doesn't really know him? Maybe one of them just moved away. Just because they live far away from each other doesn't mean they've never met.

dudeitsdanny 9

If it's an online relationship, I'm sorry to say you kinda deserved it. if you knew him, and he simply moved away, then FYL.

Well, you're dating a student; adjust your expections or start dating grownups.

Yeah, that's what I thought. Students normally aren't self-dependent with money to blow.