Forever alone

By Anonymous - 18/08/2020 08:08

Today, being a lonely exchange student, I slept with a guy from my dorm who I don’t genuinely like, just to show myself a good time. His equipment, fully deployed, was not even the size of my thumb and the entire business lasted less than 20 seconds. I was lonely enough to let him back in again. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 928
You deserved it 2 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry for your loneliness. You understand that underendowed men didn't choose to be that way, right? We have no control over our tiny size. However, small men are sometimes very grateful for the attention you have given AND as a result, are trainable. If you're going to make regular use of this somewhat inadequate sex-toy, try training him to give you pleasure in many ways. It's a win-win, you get better attention, he learns valuable life-skills to make up for what nature didn't give him. Just a suggestion, the reality is to encourage you to build good friendships rather than jumping right to empty and meaningless intimacy that doesn't satisfy in physical or psychological ways.

DirtySalamander 9

OP didnt mention any names. So, no op didnt put anyone out there.


Sorry for your loneliness. You understand that underendowed men didn't choose to be that way, right? We have no control over our tiny size. However, small men are sometimes very grateful for the attention you have given AND as a result, are trainable. If you're going to make regular use of this somewhat inadequate sex-toy, try training him to give you pleasure in many ways. It's a win-win, you get better attention, he learns valuable life-skills to make up for what nature didn't give him. Just a suggestion, the reality is to encourage you to build good friendships rather than jumping right to empty and meaningless intimacy that doesn't satisfy in physical or psychological ways.

Thumb-thing's wrong here -- I just can't put my finger on it. Was he also 20 seconds the second and third times, too?

Boyufd 24

why you putting him out there like that? you deserve to be lonely

DirtySalamander 9

OP didnt mention any names. So, no op didnt put anyone out there.

Mathalamus 24

I don’t see the issue with that....


Hopefully you have abnormally large thumbs...

And if her thumbs aren't long, we can hope for her sake that they're "girthy."

tounces7 27

Not gonna lie, part of me wonders what country you're an exchange student in.

icalledhisname 12

Small is better than too large, my friend. I’m sorry your experiences weren’t what you wanted, though

Maybe have him wear a condom and a **** ring. Should do wonders for endurance.