By Anonymous - 21/09/2010 22:47 - United States

Today, I spent the entire day at school being called Meg. My name isn't Meg, so I started to get really annoyed and confused. Later, I found out it was because I look like Meg from the show Family Guy. She's known for being unpopular, unwanted, ugly, and stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 288
You deserved it 6 578

Same thing different taste


barnmaster98 5

well you must really be unwanted. lol

Aww that's horrible D: that would suck! prove them wrong then get some friends, put some makeup try to look better hahah

Jessi2487 0

16- it doesnt work for meg, it wont work for OP lol just sayin

lolol people at my school just started doing that go a GUY so I guess it's not so bad FYL still

ShadyFTW1 0

ydi for being unpopular, unwanted, ugly and stupid.

jojoklasson 0
bubbarific 0

srry Meg but thers a boob to ass ratio required in order to use fml so ud bttr get GTFO!!!!!!!

KiddNYC1O 20

become a front girl of a hit rock band.

bubbarific 0

srry Meg but thers a boob to ass ratio required to use fml tht ur way off of so i suggest u leave now

LOLatU87 0

haha a true FML YDI for looking like Meg from family guy I guess

KingDingALing 9

Pics or gtfo. Just kidding:) But seriously, I want to see if you really look like her.

KingDingALing 9

This fml would make a great illustrated fml! :)

steelersjackson 0

I love family guy references! it's crazy how everyone knows them. except op. I'll bet they r very similar.

rfngxhhshi 0

lol there's a girl in my school we call Meg behind her back cause she looks a lot like her hahaha. funny how op is from new jersey and the girl at my school (in IL) is actually from there ha

zerobahamut03 2

lol way too funny. you just made my awesome week even better! thanks.

People have called me Meg before too. Except this was back when I didn't have glasses. On top of that, I'm not fat, nor do I wear hats. They're probably not even accurate in calling you that.

Get a makeover from a news reporter and form a band with your family.

"What happened? Is everyone OK? Is there someone in the house?" *Peter nails her with baseball bat* "Oh, sorry Meg you startled me"

Duveed 0

263, funniest pic ever! ROFLMFAO!

xdeadxradiox 0

Lol #223's picture goes well with their comment :D

shut up Meg go kill itself no one lives u u piece of s**t

how come every profile I've looked at says that the person has tried submitting an fml, but it's never been approved..?

Hey, but inside every meg is a mila kunis.

zp5 4
FMyLifeCereal 0

Totally beat me to the punch as well. Chalk up another win Jane.

Lulz. I've never cared about getting the first comment, but I was ridiculously proud to be the first one to say that. >.< 89, it's a quote from the show. Someone, usually her dad, is frequently saying it to her.

Meg isn't known for being stupid. Fail OP.

man #5 is adorable and knows her Family Guy. marriage material.. lol

276, totally agree bro. Think I'm in love. We can't let her know though. Must be kept a secret 0.0

Hahahaha! a guy in my class said that to me once, I look nothing like Meg, and have no traits like her either so I don't understand what he meant... he's ugly though!

xdeadxradiox 0

Lmao! I like how you just added that he's ugly at the end

did you go to your room and eat a whole bowl of peanuts?

ThatLooksSticky 16

I'm allergic to peanuts! whats wrong with you people?!

Meg is also my old dogs name. She was a pug and always smelled funny. Hope that makes you feel better, op!