Bad day

By Anonymous - 19/03/2024 00:00 - United States

Today, apparently, I can't have a bad day. After school, mom asked me if I'd had a good day. I told her no. Without asking, she went on a tirade about how unsociable I am and how poor my attitude is. I was harassed all day by my classmates because I don't wear expensive brand name clothes like they do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 595
You deserved it 82

Same thing different taste

Top comments

🫂 Unfortunately there's nothing more cruel than other kids. Except maybe stupid parents. I guess I was lucky, we couldn't afford anything fancy when I was a kid but my parents made sure I understood that Fashion is something idiots get sucked into believing. There's no fancy bag or trainers in the world that can magically make someone a better person. I found that the reality of "I'd rather not mindlessly support child slavery, exploiting 3rd world poverty and making some massive, psychotic corporation even richer. I like cash in my bank account and my soul and conscience clean, thanks." Tended, as it still does, to put a dampener on people trying to 'be better than me' just because they spent an unhinged amount of money on a pair of trainers some half starved 6yo made that will last maybe a year... Fashion is a Cult. You buy into it, it wrings cash out of you with the promise of making you a valid human and leaves you with nothing but disappointment and an empty wallet. Do some research into the big Brand manufacturing practices and conditions and the next time some idiot tries bullying you about it, explain why that over priced, fancy bag actually makes them a terrible person. Try not to say the "and you're a fecking idiot for buying into this bullshit" out loud though... As to your Mother, try asking her (very calmly, seriously) why she feels it's appropriate to blame and attack you for being bullied and just wait for her response. Don't say anything, just wait. She'll probably get mad for being called out because there is no decent response to that but as long as you keep your cool and don't let her turn it into an argument, you'll (hopefully) make your point with her.

MxCrix3333 10

I also wasn't allowed to have a bad day growing up. Bad moods, negative emotions, crying, etc., were taken as me being ungrateful and was cause for yelling. It messed me up. As an adult, I later learned that it was because my parents are crazy insecure about their parenting and codependently assume responsibility for my emotions. So they interpret my bad mood as me insulting their parenting. Nuts, right? It is nuts to yell at your child for having a bad day. I'm not saying my explanation for my parents' behavior directly applies because I don't know the situation. But maybe it can give you some food for thought. It's ok to feel sad or bad, and I'm sorry you're going through that at school. </3


🫂 Unfortunately there's nothing more cruel than other kids. Except maybe stupid parents. I guess I was lucky, we couldn't afford anything fancy when I was a kid but my parents made sure I understood that Fashion is something idiots get sucked into believing. There's no fancy bag or trainers in the world that can magically make someone a better person. I found that the reality of "I'd rather not mindlessly support child slavery, exploiting 3rd world poverty and making some massive, psychotic corporation even richer. I like cash in my bank account and my soul and conscience clean, thanks." Tended, as it still does, to put a dampener on people trying to 'be better than me' just because they spent an unhinged amount of money on a pair of trainers some half starved 6yo made that will last maybe a year... Fashion is a Cult. You buy into it, it wrings cash out of you with the promise of making you a valid human and leaves you with nothing but disappointment and an empty wallet. Do some research into the big Brand manufacturing practices and conditions and the next time some idiot tries bullying you about it, explain why that over priced, fancy bag actually makes them a terrible person. Try not to say the "and you're a fecking idiot for buying into this bullshit" out loud though... As to your Mother, try asking her (very calmly, seriously) why she feels it's appropriate to blame and attack you for being bullied and just wait for her response. Don't say anything, just wait. She'll probably get mad for being called out because there is no decent response to that but as long as you keep your cool and don't let her turn it into an argument, you'll (hopefully) make your point with her.

d j mom 8

how about asking your mom what her childhood was like at school. maybe she was bullied. or was she the bully? hopefully that will open up the conversation as to what you're going through?

MxCrix3333 10

I also wasn't allowed to have a bad day growing up. Bad moods, negative emotions, crying, etc., were taken as me being ungrateful and was cause for yelling. It messed me up. As an adult, I later learned that it was because my parents are crazy insecure about their parenting and codependently assume responsibility for my emotions. So they interpret my bad mood as me insulting their parenting. Nuts, right? It is nuts to yell at your child for having a bad day. I'm not saying my explanation for my parents' behavior directly applies because I don't know the situation. But maybe it can give you some food for thought. It's ok to feel sad or bad, and I'm sorry you're going through that at school. </3