By brutality - 15/06/2009 05:38 - Canada

Today, I saw a few old co-workers at the bar. They recognized me and started calling me by the nickname they had for me that I was unaware of. It appears I was known as "butch megan" by the entire office for 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 957
You deserved it 4 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gingermonster16 0

You should have been like "Butch Megan? That's it?! That's a relief. I'd feel dirty repeating the nicknames I'd heard about you guys back in the office."

That's awful. I had a stripper nickname I didn't know about but everyone referred to me as, even my mom. But the FML is already over, you see. You can just walk away now.


You should just walk away without looking back.....they hate you anyway

They must be scared of you then. When they leave the bar the next time you're there; mug 'em with a trolley pole.

That's awful. I had a stripper nickname I didn't know about but everyone referred to me as, even my mom. But the FML is already over, you see. You can just walk away now.

on the bright side, if you're as butch as they say you are, you're more manly than them (assuming their dudes). what #4 said, you can always just ignore shit like that!

#1... what the hell. have you missed all the posts where people have said they dont care that you're first? and why comment at all if you don't have a comment. you are a retard. OP thats not very nice :( oh well just put it behind you. enjoy life

iLIAMMM 0 You don't work there anymore. Suck it up.

passwordvixen 0

Adding on to number five do you wear a lot of plaid shirts AND have sex with women?

#1 what the hell... have you missed all the comments all over this site where people say they dont care if you are first? maybe you should listen to them. NO ONE CARES. and why comment at all if you don't have something to say... OP that isn't nice :( try and put it behind you and enjoy life