By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 21:34 - United States

Today, I shot a paintball gun at a bees' nest. The bees flew through my neighbors' windows and, for lack of a better word, slaughtered them. An ambulance was called, and I feel like a total dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 498
You deserved it 62 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I pressed YDI after I read "Today, I shot a paintball gun at a bees' nest."


I don't see why people are acting like 'good FML' users and saying it's his fault. Shooting a paintball gun at a beehive isn't the best idea, but how in the ***** of all the hells was he to atop the bees attacking his neighbors? Now, thumb me down because I have a different opinion to everyone else. Because freedom of speech is frowned upon around here.

Every person is responsible for their actions. You don't have to be a genius to know that attacking a dangerous animal might result in the animal attacking you or someone else back. And even if bees were not dangerous, how is attacking their nest not a stupid idea? Thumbing down your comment is an excersise of free speech, not a violation of it. You have a right to post your comment and I have a right to express my opinion on it (by thumbing it down, for example).

I can only agree with 202 - you do something that is predictably dangerous then if someone gets hurt it is your fault. The OP shot at the nest knowing that the result would be a bunch of pissed-off bees. Pissed-off bees are dangerous. It was therefore easily predictable that someone would get hurt. It makes not difference that the OP could not easily predict that it would be his neighbour that took the fallout.

Because he is an idiot. It is his fault that the neighbors got stung because he agitated the bees and he obviously knows that other people also live around him so chances of someone getting "slaughtered" is pretty high. It's common sense and logic.

Freedom of speech is not frowned upon just the idiot saying it.

This is a "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS" moment. Lmao.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

You never mess with a bees' nest! They're very territorial. You're lucky you didn't get attacked but you should have for sheer stupidity.

MsMeiriona 2

For lack of a better word? A better word would be swarmed, mobbed, assaulted, if the neighbours are alive, slaughter is NOT the right word.

haterzgonhate 1

You know if one of them had died, you could have been charged with manslaughter.

What the shuddering **** were you thinking? I'm only sorry that the bees didn't come at you. Then you might consider the consequences of what you do a little more in future. I hope you were man enough to go round to them and admit that it was your fault. You deserve everything that you get. And more.

skittlesmeep 4

I hope you shoot another bees nest. Maybe next time they'll be killer bees. Theyre smarter. Maybe they'll attack the real threat, you. Forget the ambulance, just call the meat wagon.

stevieb123 7
Ninjasaurus18 9

Just for the record, how was OP supposed to know that the bees would go all apeshit on his neighbors. Not your fault.

And if you released the brake on a car at the top of a hill? Don't you think it would be predictable that something bad might happen?