B movie

By RUNNNNNNNNNN - 25/09/2022 11:00

Today, a kid threw a rock at a beehive while my friend and I where standing next to it. It fell down, and a swarm of slightly displeased bees assumed that we were the culprit. Knowing what was about to happen, my friend and I ran for our lives. He ran fast enough to escape; I didn't. The kid, the actual culprit, didn't get attacked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 947
You deserved it 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sixxis 7

you should’ve run towards the kid

Everyone knows all you had to do is dive into a stream and breathe through a convenient hollow reed until the bees go away.


sixxis 7

you should’ve run towards the kid

Google “wasps” and “hornets” - In all probability one of those is what stung you… Honeybees usually make their nests inside things - like inside a tree trunk or inside a wall with a small defendable opening. Wasps and hornets make their nests attached to the outside of, and attached to, a tree branch or frequently under the eves of houses. Honeybees lose their stinger when they sting and they ultimately die from that - Wasps and hornets can each sting multiple times without it killing them. Both of them have related venoms. In my memory a single bee sting away from its nest hurts a little worse than a single wasp sting. But with wasps (or bees) near their nests you don’t just get one sting - you get several very quickly. But wasps and hornets are more aggressive than common honeybees. Wasps and hornets are particularly aggressive insects when they are defending their nest. If two people are the same distance away and one of them is moving, they go after the moving target because they know that’s the one who may have attacked their nest. It is possible to outrun wasps or bees if you are fast but you have to run further than you would think. It is best to leave them alone in the wild. If you have a wasp problem at home, they sell cans of wasp spray in the garden section of hardware and big box home supply stores. It squirts a long way and kills on contact - read the directions on the can. If it’s a big hornet nest either ceed that bit of real estate to the hornets in perpetuity or contact a professional.

Listen, bees, Don't ASSUME. Otherwise you will make an ASS out of U and ME.

Everyone knows all you had to do is dive into a stream and breathe through a convenient hollow reed until the bees go away.