By Rhea - 28/10/2009 11:00 - Australia

Today, I won a raffle organised by a friend. I discovered one of the "prizes" was actually a present that I had given to her, that she had "loved". When I asked her where she had gotten it, she said, "Oh, just some crap someone gave me once." She didn't even remember that I had given it to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 158
You deserved it 3 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Very rude. At the minimum, she ought not to refer to the prizes her organization is raffling in a derogatory manner no matter how she personally feels about the item. It's unprofessional. From the friendship perspective, you now have been given a big glimpse into her "inner workings". Feel free to react accordingly.


Ajjas013 6

Give it back to her, she won't remember.

You need to kill her and yourself to end all this misery

noobgang7 5

don't give people shitty gifts then :p

now I know I'll probably get shit for this but whatever: am I the only one that noticed OP Spelt organized wrong

In Australia organised IS spelt correctly with a 's' instead of a 'z' Just like we spell 'mum' instead of 'mom'

Darling_Cherry 5
Darling_Cherry 5

So, a real friend is someone who either hurts your feelings by immediately telling you that your gift is crap or is that someone who obsessively holds on to everything you gave them no matter what?

IAtleast its not like your her aunt and for christmas you gave her a leaking wrapped up lump of Jell-o and captured her cat in a box and wrapped that up for good measure just in case the jell-o wasnt enough.

perdix 29

Most men would be publically embarrassed to get something called a Snuggie, but we would all privately love the hell out of it!

your not much of a friend if you dont understand why your friend would do that

A guy I knew had a birthday not long before mine. He got a present which he thought was crap. And he broke. So he wrapped it up and gave it to me for my birthday without saying anything. FHL for being ungrateful.

crzyry 6

I have 3 Snuggies in 3 different colors, you'd be insane not to love a Snuggie as a gift. OP, my guess is you are a crappy gift giver.