By Daniel_rules - 17/04/2009 17:02 - United States

Today, my friend was pulled over and told to get out of the car. The officer motioned for me to get out of the car too so I reached behind me to get my shoes. He then pointed his gun at my face and frantically asked my friend if I had a gun. My friend calmly replied "No, but shoot him anyway." FML
I agree, your life sucks 560
You deserved it 92

Top comments

Whoa, that 's a friend! Remember to seduce his girlfriend/ Get his mom pregnant/ turn his sister fat by feeding her only sweets/ train his dog to pee on his bed/ and make him lose his job.. But no hards feelings, huh?

fmlsmymiddlename 0


fmlsmymiddlename 0
FBIWarning 0
AngryPants 0

That's what friends are for.

SarahSehhati 40

N is for N-E where and N-E time at all! Down here in the deep blue sea :)

F is for fire, burning down the whole town

Whoa, that 's a friend! Remember to seduce his girlfriend/ Get his mom pregnant/ turn his sister fat by feeding her only sweets/ train his dog to pee on his bed/ and make him lose his job.. But no hards feelings, huh?

off yea that will do the trick. best way to get back at a friend. but also get his sister pregnant as well.

off yea that will do the trick. best way to get back at a friend. but also get his sister pregnant as well.

threer 30

You people are so ******* annoying..

Wow, with friends like yours, who needs enemies?

Yeah, your life's ******...your friend's a dumbass. But just FYI, if you're ever pulled over by a cop again, *never* make any movement without telling the cop calmly and *before* you move what you are doing. Cops, especially young ones, scare easy, and they don't know you're just reaching for your shoes/wallet/whatever it is. Good safety tip.

Bballflyer31 0

I think you probably deserved the situation as a whole--if you start reaching for stuff when a cop tells you to get out of the car, it's going to end badly. Then again, your friend is a jerk so FYL also.

Never reach for ANYTHING in the presence of a cop, they could think that you're about to pull out a weapon, so that was a bad idea on your part. But your friend's an asshole, I would definitely punch him in the face if that happened to me, but that's just me lol