By asdfghjkl - 18/12/2010 19:14 - United States

Today, I saw Saw IV with my boyfriend. He held me close and said, "I'll protect you." A few seconds later, he jumped up so violently, he gave me a bloody nose, and ran screaming out of the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 305
You deserved it 3 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he's napping, put his nuts into a primed rat-trap and tell him that you want to play a game.


haha what a sissy. sorry about ur nose though that sux

Why so many rude comments and stating that the movie is not even scary? Just because you were not scared of it does not mean everyone should not be. It was sweet that he tried to be brave for you OP, and that sucks about your nose, but this is something to laugh about later. I have seen Saw, Saw IV and Saw 3D, the only one I did not jump at was the first one. They scare me too, but I watch them with my guy so it is a little better. It's okay to be scared, just make sure you have someone to sleep with when it is over :P

You totally Reserve it for watching Saw !

dealerdk 0

I'd be scared to if I was going to be killed by a doll

the only scary thing about those movies is that ppl still watch them. they shoulda called it quits after saw 1

I don't blame him for running out of the theater. Anything after saw 1 sucked ass. I'd have run out too.

escapenowx 0

saw definitely isn't scary. whatta pussy.