By asdfghjkl - 18/12/2010 19:14 - United States

Today, I saw Saw IV with my boyfriend. He held me close and said, "I'll protect you." A few seconds later, he jumped up so violently, he gave me a bloody nose, and ran screaming out of the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 305
You deserved it 3 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he's napping, put his nuts into a primed rat-trap and tell him that you want to play a game.


melanie177 1

woww!! Only a REAL man can have a reaction like that!!

Pinkskullsblackb 0

He sounds sweet. It was an accident, give him another chance

crimson_alize 2

to be perfectly honest, gay as that may hav been, i think that is the funniest thing! ha i can just picture it! haha maybe you guys shouldnt be so hard on her bf.:)

crimson_alize 2

to be perfectly honest, gay as that may hav been, i think that is the funniest thing! ha i can just picture it! haha maybe you guys shouldnt be so hard on her bf.:)

Fml70 0

Wow wat a pussy I've seen all the famous horror films and didn't scream and I'm 13

lakailuc 0

haha maybe he thought u were a killa?? LOL 

CaughRedHanded 0

I'm sorry you couldnt find this out in advance but.. Your boyfriend is a pussy :/

Every woman needs a brave, strong man...?

roflmfaoeatwswpmfpdiatp five dollars to anyone who can guess what this means