By asdfghjkl - 18/12/2010 19:14 - United States

Today, I saw Saw IV with my boyfriend. He held me close and said, "I'll protect you." A few seconds later, he jumped up so violently, he gave me a bloody nose, and ran screaming out of the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 305
You deserved it 3 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he's napping, put his nuts into a primed rat-trap and tell him that you want to play a game.


wow looks like u got a keeper. ditch the pussy.

imma say YDI cause your Bf sounds like a pussy and theres no way you havnt already realized that

GtHottie 0

That sucks....but that's funny as hell. At least now u know no scary movies with him.

backdownbreh 0

what a little pussy . no movie at all should make a man do more then a little twitch.

LoVEBiRDs1228 0

omFg daT iiz To FuNny ;P bUt aT least he wanted to pRotect U!! :D

Well you noter know what you need to. A burglar breaks in and he'll throw you to the wolves