By dileigh - 10/03/2009 18:37 - United States

Today, I received my graduation gift, a bath robe, from my parents. My have two older sisters also graduated. The first one got a Tiffany's bracelet, the second one got a plane ticket to Europe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 244
You deserved it 3 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My parents bought me a suitcase after graduation so I could move all my shit our of their house.

trying_madly 0

how funny, that's what i got for my 18th birthday from my parents, to add to the three i already had. My older brother got a computer. I guess bath robes are the universal sign of parental love.


yeahreally 6

that sucks....either its the recession, parents who play favorites or just downright suck

Immatheprez 0

maybe they want you to be the next hugh hefner????

Way to re-enforce the gender stereotypes, eh?

@122 go take your sjw ass to another site.

My parents didnt even want to buy me dinner when I graduated...

Kassad_fml 0

That`s not good at all.. bad parenting.

trying_madly 0

how funny, that's what i got for my 18th birthday from my parents, to add to the three i already had. My older brother got a computer. I guess bath robes are the universal sign of parental love.

dont they feel slightly awkward, or are they too ignorant to notice how wrong that is

My parents bought me a suitcase after graduation so I could move all my shit our of their house.

My mom bought me a pair of tweezers... she bought my brothers a weeklong trip to London and a car. So I feel you there.

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Buy them a stick of butter for their anniversary to show how much YOU care about THEM... and how *****-ish you think they are for pulling this sort of crap on you.

Economy's in the shitter, thems the times! Maybe all of the gifts are meant to be combined for one joint experience. Ring+ bathrobe + Europe = YES!