By Rich - 25/02/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, my parents gave me a shirt from Banana Republic for my birthday. It looked like one I had bought for myself a couple of days earlier but I thanked them and went to hang it in my closet. An empty hanger hung where I placed the shirt I had purchased. They gave me my shirt for my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 121
You deserved it 5 575

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For their next birthday, steal their car keys and give it to them. Make sure you drive it all night so it has an empty tank of gasoline. Another thing you can do is buy them a new TV to replace the old one they lost. They'll say, what TV? And they'll see that you have staked claim to the old TV. Make sure the new TV you buy sucks.

Your lucky. My parents bought me a big mac for my 16th birthday


For their next birthday, steal their car keys and give it to them. Make sure you drive it all night so it has an empty tank of gasoline. Another thing you can do is buy them a new TV to replace the old one they lost. They'll say, what TV? And they'll see that you have staked claim to the old TV. Make sure the new TV you buy sucks.

LOL at #3 xD That's totally a great comeback. Of course, their anniversary would be best- when they're planning to leave for the day. I'd still be pissed o-o;;

_lifemyfuck_ 11

I don't know who is who, but that picture is terrifying (x

That's horrible. There are just no words... x(

Lil_fml 0

I agree with #6. That's so grim!

Your lucky. My parents bought me a big mac for my 16th birthday

I hate my parents but at least they got me an itunes gift card for my bday. I feel sorry for you, man.

My gave me soap for X-mas once. Bad presents feel worse than you think they would.

One time I got nothing for my birthday. :/

What they hey? How did they NOT think you'd notice that one? Definitely confront them about it. The ONLY way this would be funny is if there was an awesome present waiting for you in your closet, when you went to put back your shirt.