By Anonymous - 24/03/2012 02:39 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, I received my first payment of child support from my estranged husband: $50 and a note that said he wouldn't be paying any more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 138
You deserved it 3 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should petition the court to obtain his balls.

cjcstuart 7

At least he payed something:/ my dad never paid:/


TheyCallMeDamien 17

Take that note to court and let your lawyer annihilate him. The only way he will escape garnishment is if he plans to be a day laborer until he dies.

bizarre_ftw 21

Sue the dumbass, get the required amount raised to higher than you'd originally agreed on with him, and if he doesn't pay have the cops harass him, they can take a away his license and remove the owed money from his paycheck before he ever sees a cent

Lol well he's stupid... you can take him to court, and he gave you a note that basically PROVES he's in the wrong. Lmao.

Question: How do you know she had no intention of staying with him? How do you know it wasn't the HUSBAND who just up and left? How do you know that she wants a free ride, and doesn't actually need help paying for her (AND HIS) child? CHILDREN ARE EXPENSIVE! Why should she have to "win his heart back" when the child is HIS as well as HERS? He should man up and PAY for the child that HE helped to create. Why is it that when a woman gets pregnant it's automatically HER fault and so she should have to take full responsibility? It takes two people to make a baby. As far as I was aware, asking for a man to pay for half of what it requires to care for a child isn't a free ride. Actually, HE'S the one wanting a free ride. He wants to get off free from having to see to the needs of a child that HE fathered.

Ugh. My idiot ex did the same thing, except it was literally a dime. Shitheads. Good think I'm going to see him in court for it in April. ;)

That's against the law. You should report it.

wriptidez 0

Take his ass and that note straight to court. They will make him pay.

harley1058 0

He's has to pay, he can get thrown in jail eventually for not