By Anonymous - 24/03/2012 02:39 - United States - Fredericksburg

Today, I received my first payment of child support from my estranged husband: $50 and a note that said he wouldn't be paying any more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 138
You deserved it 3 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should petition the court to obtain his balls.

cjcstuart 7

At least he payed something:/ my dad never paid:/


My mom works in the courthouse, and at one point was working in the family section and child support section. I've heard my share of stories where deadbeat dads try to escape child support. Don't worry about it, just report his ass and they'll make him pay. If he still doesn't pay, they can throw him in jail. My ex boyfriend had to pay child support, what they did was simply take it out of every check of his. So eventually this asshole *will* pay, whether he likes it or not.

sezual 15

I understand that generally the system is biased however if the mother is totally unfit then the child will not go to her. I'm not defending mum's who take advantage of the father's rights in any way but the number one concern is the child's wellbeing, as long as they are looked after then we should find some form of relief in that. I also don't believe that father's deserve any specific recognition purely for paying child support on time/looking after their children. Correct me if I'm wrong but that shouldn't be anything special, they're just keeping up with their responsibilities.

TheDrifter 23

Canada's system is just as biased. A father's rights are almost entirely dependant on the mother wanting him to have them. Under 5% of fayhers that file for custody recieve it. Fewer than one in five cases where the mother contests visitation rights does the father keep them. It's pretty much a pay up and shut up system, and the payments ordered get so high that a LOT of the fathers take cash jobs that can't be tracked, not to deliberately be dicks, but because they can't afford a place to live while making the court ordered payments. I have one employee with 4 children and an ex wife that has never worked. The judge ordered him to pay $1900 a month. At the time his take home pay was $2600 a month, just brutal. But by Canadian law they can only take 40% of your net pay by force, so every month he gets farther behind and they have twice refused to hear his request for an appeal of the rate, citing fairness to his ex wife and children.

Hold your head up high op. screw him and just love your child. I have never received a dime of support for my son. You will eventually meet some one new who will love you and your child unconditionally I met my husband I have now when my son was five and the two of them are very close. It is not worth the heartache for yourself or your child to deal with such an asshole he does not want to care for his child or children

*the new person will not mind at all stepping up financially where your ex has failed.

skyeyez9 24

A good friend of mine has two parents who went thru a child support nightmare situation. His dad grudgingly paid child support, but on visitations with his dad, my friend was treated like a slave to "get his money's worth for having to pay child support." his dad would force his son to clean his entire house, all the yard work, cooking, laundry, and wait on his pos dad hand and foot. His father would never even talk to him unless it was to bark out another order or demand. He complained but the courts still made him see his dad regardless. Once he was old enough to have a say in the matter, my friend cut all ties with that shit father completely.

TheDrifter 23

I got the opposite, my ex phoned the police repeatedly when I would show up for visitation, claiming harassment, then went to the court and had my visitation rights pulled "for her safety". So I get to pay $3800 a month in child support and alimony for children I am not legally allowed to see, and as an added bonus I get to field phone calls from their school asking for money for every event "because their mother cannot afford it". She could certainly afford new breasts, and rhinoplasty, and liposuction, but somehow my child support check just can't cover school lunches.

The amount of stories like this are sickening. The child support system is so biased it's unbelievable. I hope when your children turn 18 they realize what their mother did to them and they reconnect with you. Unfortunately... she's probably brainwashing them right now.

chey296927413 3

Take his a$$ to jail! They'll make him pay you every month! Fear of jail is the only reason my dad does!

Whats $50 going to pay for in this day and age? If your kid still wears diapers, it'll pay for a case of pampers and that's about it.

KuchkaNumberOne 2