Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

By ReginaW - 14/03/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, my husband sat me down to tell me he’s filing for divorce as he’s fallen out of love with me and loves my 19 year-old daughter (his step-daughter). Furthermore, I’m off the lease when it expires next month so they can live together. We have a 2 month-old son. He replied, “OK, and? I’ll pay child support.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 868
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Woody Allen did it first and we really should have just made it illegal at that point

Oh, I'm so sure this just stepped into pedo territory. Take both of them and walk. If the daughter objects, you know he groomed her.


Why does he expect his son to move out just because he found a new girlfriend? Leave the three of them to be and see how long it lasts.

Oh, I'm so sure this just stepped into pedo territory. Take both of them and walk. If the daughter objects, you know he groomed her.

Woody Allen did it first and we really should have just made it illegal at that point

Extremely confused as to how this man remains above room temperature.

Oh, he'd be wearing cement shoes if I had anything to say about it.

MxCrix3333 10

This is awful! And I'm concerned for your step-daughter! He has much more power than her. Even if the stepdad has been in her life for a year or so, and she was an adult or near-adult, it is still icky and concerning.

And your daughter is okay with it? What the ****?

so many ifs. are you close to her? did he groom her? is she okay with this? you obviously need to be away from him, the question is whether or not you need to get help for your daughter. also, get a good lawyer and take him for everything.

For a quick recap, the step daughter is not a step mother to her half brother.