By Anonymous - 24/09/2011 04:40 - United States

Today, I received a serious concussion and several stitches to the back of my head. The attacker? My mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 565
You deserved it 2 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bitches be crazy. Or maybe, you did something which you "omitted" on purpose. The plot thickens. I demand the full story!


PinkFun1969 9

Momma brought you into this world she can take you out. Well that's what I always say, I have 6 kids :-) no kidding that is out of control mamma needs a time out.

Madkitty2403 1

Yup really nice mom you got there :p

bmallet99 0
fadingfaith 4

Seems like you provoked this, hence why you left out what happened. Usually when it's someone's own fault they don't like to admit it it. But still what your mother did is wrong.

Don't take that! Drink lots of milk. Next time she smacks you she'll break something. I know cus someone smacked me.

suckstoobeyou 0

Ok, what probably happened was the OP had gotten up early in the morning and bumped into something making a noise his mom was probably getting ready for work and heard it, not knowing it was her son she went to see what made the noise, then she saw a figure moving in tue dark and grabbed the closest item she could and started swinging ruining someone had broken into her house... Then the OP yell stop and she realized she just wiped her kids ass with out meaning to

bakbak_fml 1

That's not too bad. My mom completely knocked me out and fractured my skull hardcore. 79 stitches and it suuucked. Consider yourself luck ha