By astocks - 24/09/2011 05:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 15/06/2013 07:32 - United States - Ponchatoula
By j.b. - 02/12/2009 05:57 - United States
Caught in 4K
By Shocked - 21/12/2023 09:00 - United States
Egg mode
By Anonymous - 22/11/2020 22:58
Why do people do this?
By Anonymous - 11/10/2019 04:00 - United States
By beno - 07/01/2009 15:25 - United States
By American Idiot - 20/09/2016 19:25 - United States - Duluth
By just great... - 22/02/2011 08:38
By Little Miss Fucket - 13/06/2014 21:07 - United States - Fort Worth
Red flag
By Anonymous - 07/12/2024 14:00 - United States - Blacksburg
Top comments
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Show it anywayMy first thought Maybe to let us know he's far away
I was thinking that he was still in the military?
It's a crime to cheat on your spouse while serving in the military, unless she's implying that he should have better morals from being in the military.
You mean in the English language?? Probably not but it sure does help that it exists.
As opposed to the milkman husband.
Yes, it is, because it is probably a picture of his kissing a dude, but they photoshopped it to look like a girl. Since "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" expired a few days ago, he no longer has to "fix" pictures anymore. Of course, the OP has the problem that her husband kisses dudes. I'm glad to see my country slowly moving to granting full civil rights for all citizens. I'm totally straight, but I know injustice when I see it.
I think she may have said military husband to let us know that she's been lonely and waiting and pining for him while he's overseas, and he apparently hasn't been doing the same. I personally think it's despicable and horrible when anyone cheats, but if it's your military husband, whom you wait and pray for and worry about every day they're away and can't wait for them to be back in your arms, and then find out he's been off cheating, it's worse. Just my opinion.
That's what I was wondering, too
44 & 45 neither one of those is too bloody likely.
Oh and y not? In Canada u can join the Canadian Forces once you're 19.
Canada has a military?!?! ha no just messing with you :)
Usually it's the other way around, you come home from a deployment to find another man sleeping in your bed. I realize it must be lonely for husbands or wives, that's why I haven't gotten married yet.
73 you're not that old yet anyways.
54 - You can join the Canadian Forces at 16, I believe, with guardian permission. I joined at 17.
Thread.... who gives a flying saluted ****?
137-No that's definitely a little extreme.I mean he doesn't deserve to die for kissing someone else.It's ****** up for sure but hope he gets shot? Nah
Yea, what he did was wrong, but you shouldn't wish death upon him!
She said military so that you would know he was macking on other women while he was deployed.
I would never feel that way.. even my worst enemies. its really healthier not getting mad as to wish death. be mad at them yes. hope that woman cheats on them yes. death? come on. that's too far.
Maybe it was. That can happen.
Pretty sure 2 was talking about it being photoshopped...
It usually does. They usually have the most time to do it and get away with it... Most of the time. I'm a military wife myself. I worry at times too. At least OP didn't actually buy that crap.
What a logical, well thought out amd incredibly useful comment! Oh my, I wish we had more commentors like you. The originality is just too much for me! I think I'm going to faint in awe.
not every comment has to be oh so useful. glad that you're going to faint in awe, makes me so proud that I'm capable of that.
I appreciate intelligent comments that pertain to the FML or references to other FMLs. Comments like yours drag the collective IQ of this site down several dozen points.
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Show it anywayI like your duck face.
Is that you, Bernie Mac?
Go screw yourself deary. Free Speech is legal in 50 States.
98- Take your bullying and shove it up your ass. This site is a (mostly) open forum, we can say whatever we want to whomever we want provided it isn't incredibly offensive.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayPhotoshop makes everything better.
When you see a picture of a chick with a huge rack, please inspect the rest of the picture. You know, the part that doesn't have her rack in it. Somehow, nobody ever notices that just a little past her chest, her arm/friend's body/doorframe/any vertical structure is hideously bent out of shape. It might not be photoshop though. Her boobs might just be so gargantuan that they can't be contained in this dimension without a warp of space.
That doesn't even make sense. People, if you're going to reference another FML in a noob attempt to be funny, make sure you at least do it right.
I can't decide what's worse: youtubers thumbing up stupid comments or fmlers thumbing down smart comments. Oh internet...
How does it not make sense? That was the excuse of that other FML and this FML excuse is a little more reasonable so it is good, in fact, that he didn't make a fake accent and say it was his twin.
well was it photoshoped?
Your life sucks, no doubt, but you didn't need to say "military"... Don't need to give them all a bad name :-/
But, she doesn't give them all a bad name, does she? I don't get it, there are enough FML's here about military husbands where the word 'military' is also unnecesary, but in those FML's, the husband did something good and nobody is complaining there. On the contrary, there are always many people complimenting them about their bravery. But now it's about a military husband who did something wrong, and now some people want to delete the word 'military' immediately, because 'it gives them a bad name'. Come on guys, soldiers are normal people, they can also do bad things, there is no reason to censure that and only talk about their good deeds.
Well, I don't think she's trying to. Cheating on your douse while serving in the military is a crime, or she's just saying he should have better morals.
Oh shit, now that somebody posted an FML about a "military" husband cheating on his wife, I now think all men in the military are scumbags. Let's completely forget about all the sacrifices and good deeds they do for their country.
18, The point is it's weird, random and unnecessary. It has nothing to do with giving them a bad name. You don't hear people posting "Today I found a picture of my taxidermist husband kissing another woman". It's guess it was used as almost a bragging right, and it's awkward sounding.
18, And I don't believe they are normal people either. Yeah they are people and they are capable of the same things we are but they also put their lives on the line for your country. My great grandpa and my boyfriend both can't tell me half the crap they have been through to be able to do that for us. That takes a special person.
yeah, theyre not normal thats why theres such strict requirements to get into the military, because theyll only take the best of the best. people who are above and beyond the average joe... or just anyone over 18 whos physically and mentally fit and of average intelligence.
um...most of the military people I know drink all the time and smoke "spice" which is illegal for them to do. Not to mention about half of the ones I know end up smoking pot and or other things when they get out if they weren't doing it to begin with. Also, just because they are military does not mean they are off fighting wars. Yes, the "soldiers" do when they need to. However, there are mechanics and desk jobs. I do not classify any of them as "special". They are regular people just doing their jobs for the most part. Doctors aren't "special" to you? Some of them risk getting diseases from patients sometimes, that is risking their lives as well....
Order him to tell the truth. If that works with his commanding officers, then it should work for you.

My first thought Maybe to let us know he's far away
Well at least he didn't put on an accent and say it was his twin brother. XD