By nottananny - 21/07/2009 08:49 - United States

Today, I realized why I was hired to be a nanny. Apparently the husband had eyes for the last nanny. According to the wife I am not attractive enough to be a threat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 724
You deserved it 3 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why doesn't she just leave him? She can't keep him away from the attractive female population forever, so what's the point of continuing the relationship if she has to go to these measures just to keep him somewhat faithful?

Now you should do everything you can do sleep with the husband, just to get back at the wife. That'll show her.


Ligerie 0

So your not pretty? I'm sure you have other attributes

Why doesn't she just leave him? She can't keep him away from the attractive female population forever, so what's the point of continuing the relationship if she has to go to these measures just to keep him somewhat faithful?

Now you should do everything you can do sleep with the husband, just to get back at the wife. That'll show her.

I really don't understand why it matters to you whether or not the wife thinks her husband wouldn't find you attractive. How is this an FML? Now you won't have to worry about your employer hitting on you. Maybe he just has a "type" and you're not it. You could still be attractive, just not his type. Why do you need to have other people's approvals of your looks? Do you WANT him to find you attractive?

Ouch. Well be glad that you're not going to get in between a marriage. She was a little too honest though. Should have just kept her thoughts to herself.

monkeychick56 0

wow that sucks u should go have fun with the husband lol jk

lackOFtone 0

this was from that old show "The Nanny"... im suprised nobody caught that

manoverboard 0

I was just thinking that...haha.

tpag3r 0

ha i just watched that show the other day... they have it on nick at night now