By hellolaina - 27/06/2016 16:33 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I realized that without fail, even if I'm not supposed to get it, I get my period just in time for vacations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 934
You deserved it 1 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Being a female is amazing because your uterus automatically senses when the worst possible time to get a period arises...shame on you for not giving it a baby OP!! In all seriousness, they can come early/late due to stress or changes in diet and vacations usually have both :/ I hope you came prepared anyway even though it's an inconvenience

ecce 20

This happens to me all the time and it's the woooooorst.


Being a female is amazing because your uterus automatically senses when the worst possible time to get a period arises...shame on you for not giving it a baby OP!! In all seriousness, they can come early/late due to stress or changes in diet and vacations usually have both :/ I hope you came prepared anyway even though it's an inconvenience

hellobobismyname 24

OP have you heard of a menstrual cup? In my opinion it is the most convenient solution, if you're not squeamish about putting fingers in there. You only change it twice a day, and it's reusable, so it saves you so much money, and doesn't alter your Ph balance like tampons do. You can still go swimming, wear it to bed, and there is no string dangling out. And if you put it in properly, there are no leaks. It's definitely what I would use on a vacation.

Nyattack 14

#15 I was going to comment just that ; once you get used to it, it's a real game-changer !

its so ******* annoying seeing girls shove their period choices down other girls throats i see it all the time omg have you ever considered some people can't use them or just don't want to?

hellobobismyname 24

46 - Wow, no one is shoving period choices down other girls' throats. Mentionioning an option is not the same as forcing people to do it. What the ******* ****? I started using the cup because it was mentioned on another period related FML actually and I thought it sounded interesting. It's not advertised because it doesn't make profit for big companies like tampons and pads do, and so lots of women don't even hear about it and it's good for us women to know about all the options so we can make an informed decision. It's so ******* annoying when people start shit over absolutely nothing. Sit the **** down. (Sorry, this pissed me off more than I should have allowed it to)

ecce 20

This happens to me all the time and it's the woooooorst.

Your vacations seem to arrive...... Periodically.....

It might be caused from the stress or excitement

Literally before every important event that I wouldn't want a period during, it comes. But any other time it comes on schedule. The power of the female body. Smh

ashyash90 8

I've never heard of that? Unless you're talking about birth control pills?

No it’s not bc it’s a different pill you can take. You just have to get a script. Check out or contact your doctor.

kingdomgirl94 29

I ******* hate that! It happened to me all the time to. It's why I started using tampons instead of pads at the age of 20... Barring sex, they let you do almost anything!

Every. Single. Time. It's like they know