By Anonymous - 27/08/2012 18:20 - United States - Burlington
Same thing different taste
By blood buddies - 03/07/2014 17:53 - United States - Milford
Planning ahead
By Ma_Nikka - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Olivehurst
By hellolaina - 27/06/2016 16:33 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 14/08/2015 13:19 - Netherlands - Den Haag
By Chlo - 11/08/2019 22:00
By anonymous - 14/06/2012 14:54 - China - Nanjing
The planets aligned
By Anonymous - 15/08/2022 18:00 - United States
By faulty plumbimg! - 31/08/2013 12:14 - India
By cramps - 17/09/2009 13:59 - Australia
The body keeps the score
By Anonymous - 02/12/2022 17:00 - United Kingdom - Pontefract
Top comments
Ah the beauty of Mother Nature...
You deserve it for being stupid, lmao. If you work with other females the sync is bound to happen.
45- I think you're the one who's stupid, mate. So her working with other women makes her stupid? That's not even logical. Retard.
#66 you are beyond the word ignorant. Don't forget you most likely came out of one.
How do you know it synced with hers?
2. It can go a little something like this: 'hey girl sorry to bug you and its a little embarrassing,but you don't happen to have a pad or tampon do you? I just started my period and I'm not prepared' Other girl: 'yea of course, I just got my period too.. Omg SISTERS!'.. Or maybe not, but most likely.
Or... Other girl: "Yes but I wont give it you - Put a Tape on it!" Yeah I've actually overheard a girl once say that!
A tape?
You realize that your desperate need for companionship and the cycle sync are unrelated, right? Women who work or live in close proximity often experience synced menstrual periods. So, you're not special. Sorry.
They aren't related, but the fact that OP synced with someone in a cubicle next to her implies that she doesn't spend much time with female friends outside of work (I understand that if she works long hours then she doesn't have the time to). So in a way the FML is implying that she doesn't hang out with friends.
14- from my understanding, for periods to sync you have to spend A LOT of time with each other, which is why households sync but I'm not synced with my friends. So while OP might not get out a lot, the syncing doesn't necessarily mean she's lonely.
51 - My friend group spends a lot of time with eachother so most of the girls are synced. I guess that's just how I'm used to it.
Thank you so much! I was going to say the sane thing.
I've read articles explaining the whole cycle syncing thing is a myth. Most women are not completely regular and, even if they are, months are not. Eventually you could be in line then in a few months, you'll be out of sync again.
Pretty sure that is not true. My Mom is in the late stages of menopause and gets a migraine every time I'm on my period on the first day. This used to be one of her symptoms when she had her period. Why would she be getting them on that particular day and no other ones unless there was some hormonal synching going on.
And yet when I mentioned on an older FML about women who live together sometimes having their periods in sync I got massively thumbed down and many sarcastic replies about how the female body isn't a machine. Go figure!
With 2 older sisters and the girls I hang out with, I know for a FACT that periods sync.
3- Thanks for making OP feel worse than she already was feeling. Asshole.
Lmao I laughed so hard when I read that. Exactly what I was thinking
Or it's just possible that it's completely normal for women who live or work together to become synced. Nah, who am I kidding! You've been so lonely for so long, you're lucky your uterus hasn't abandoned ship.
I think he knows that. It would seem that OP does not.
68- You must be new here.
Are you seriously apologizing for your comment?! Are you trying to break the Internet?!
I feel bad for everyone who's gonna have to work around you guys for that week.
Go out and join a club or something. Anything, just get out of the lonely rut you are in and go out more. Start by getting a cat.
How does a cat make one go out more?
Cat-walking? You get to meet people who are wondering if they're stoned, seeing a lady walking a cat.
They don't but why not get a nice pussy? I see no problem with a nice pussy... Do you?
Actually I think the cat walking idea is brilliant! A very cunning plan indeed.
It happens. Really it only takes like 2 days to sync up, doesn't really matter.
Well, at least you know where to go for tampoons..
Never had to use a tampoon. Sounds large, like a harpoon.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the word tampoon in the dictionary, so I made up my own definition for it. Tampoon- A harpoon like contraption that shoots tampons in the ****** in the same fashion in which a harpoon would.
This definition is gold.
I should work for Webster!
This deserves a spot on urbandictionary
Your recreational habits amuse me 42.
Guess you can't make a spelling mistake on this site.
80- No, you can't. Take a joke, geez.

You realize that your desperate need for companionship and the cycle sync are unrelated, right? Women who work or live in close proximity often experience synced menstrual periods. So, you're not special. Sorry.
How do you know it synced with hers?