By inappropes - 10/08/2017 16:00

Today, I got an angry text from a random number calling me a lying piece of shit. I then realized that was the first person to text me in weeks. I ended up having a fake argument with someone because I was so lonely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 771
You deserved it 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bubbles77777 11

For people that are making rude comments, guess you've never been lonely before. Some people do be that lonely& if you've read other posts about this same subject then you'd know that op isn't the only person in the world that's ever been that lonely& some people don't have people to talk to. Op I understand& don't feel bad. I've had moments where I've been walking around in public& I would pretend like I was talking to sumone on my phone& it's been times where I would get a call& the person had the wrong#& I was tempted to start a conversation so instead of it being fml u have a funny story to tell:) :)

EnvyMe33 26

Well now you know what to do when you are lonely and bored. Text random numbers and see who will respond.... ?


EnvyMe33 26

Well now you know what to do when you are lonely and bored. Text random numbers and see who will respond.... ?

Mikey B 5

my buddy and I did that one night when we were drunk. It was great. drunk texting random numbers

used to demand people give my left sandal back

the world is full of people that you can go talk to, YDI. unless you are living in a remote corner of the world by yourself, these FMLs are just people looking for attention. sorry to speak the hard truth

Preach!!! If you have a "social anxiety" and cant face to face talk to people... The internet has all sorts of places to chat with random people... And you can oretend to be anyone you want...

So you are pretending to be part of the argument? Seems that the proposition that you’re a lying piece of shit was affirmed. QED.

Mungolikecandy 19

Get out, meet people, join a club... then you can argue with people you barely know in real life.

Bubbles77777 11

For people that are making rude comments, guess you've never been lonely before. Some people do be that lonely& if you've read other posts about this same subject then you'd know that op isn't the only person in the world that's ever been that lonely& some people don't have people to talk to. Op I understand& don't feel bad. I've had moments where I've been walking around in public& I would pretend like I was talking to sumone on my phone& it's been times where I would get a call& the person had the wrong#& I was tempted to start a conversation so instead of it being fml u have a funny story to tell:) :)

yes but being lonely is a self made problem, you only person that can change it is you, so either you accept it and get over it or you change it and start talking to people. you have no one else but yourself

Bubbles77777 11
Mungolikecandy 19

I have been very lonely in the past. Eventually, I decided I had had enough of being lonely and got involved in some local events and joined a martial arts club. It took some time but I made some good friends. You have a choice of staying lonely or trying to moving forward, I could easily have stayed in my lonely bubble.

Is it wrong that the first thing that comes to mind is the old Monty Python skit of paying for an argument?

I pay my phone bill for Pokemon go and Bill collectors. I feel the pain