By smallfrie32 - 23/11/2010 05:22

Today, I realized that 95% of my facebook friends added me only because they think my sisters are hot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 181
You deserved it 4 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can i get your email so i can add you? I wanna see if your friends are right

lindsaysue 4

"National Unfriend Day" was last week, maybe you should have participated.


bamagrl410 31

That's a good question. Maybe OP just assumed?

can i get your email so i can add you? I wanna see if your friends are right

I'm pretty sure you just wanna see what his sisters look like.

teenager34 0

that's exactly his point lol. he said he wanted to see if his friends are right.

Why did you accept? It's not like you win a prize for having the most friends. Dump the 95% (how do you know?) and keep the 5% who are your real friends.

lindsaysue 4

"National Unfriend Day" was last week, maybe you should have participated.

TryptamineDreame 0

Lol I doubt you "realized" it. You most likely "assumed". Still, I guess it wouldn't have been published had you posted "Today, I assumed...", so I guess FYL for a possible insecurity and maybe a little jealousy of your sisters' looks? Seriously, who gives a shit if it was true? This life we are living is short and it's not a beauty contest. I would much rather be friends with quality people than shallow, arrogant people that these so-called "friends" of yours seem to be..

Uh for once pics or it didn't happen :P

At least you have hot sisters. Hot sisters generally have hot friends. You might get lucky and one of them might find you attractive and one night when they come home with your sister drunk you could get some. Or... you could always just hide out in your sisters closet and watch your sisters friends in their panties. :-P