Are you sure?

By Anonymous - 13/02/2023 00:00 - Australia - Clayfield

Today, it's been a few weeks since I last played Skyrim and I had done a lot when I last played it, but when I logged in again, nothing was saved. I definitely saved but yeah no, so 2-3 hours of play is GONE. And I have very bad memory, so I have no clue what I did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 351
You deserved it 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hear the Turkish president is taking this story to earthquake victims saying, "See, other people are worse off than you. Three hours of Skyrim -- gone!!!"


also: a little bit of gaming progress lost is really nothing to cry about. unless you're 12.

Maybe if you didn't Skyrim so much you'd have a better memory

Madchick14 11

so you lost your character creation, then?

I hear the Turkish president is taking this story to earthquake victims saying, "See, other people are worse off than you. Three hours of Skyrim -- gone!!!"

KittenSneezes 1

you probably closed it before it finished saving. it’s why I always manual save, quick save, manual save 2. all my characters have a main save and a periodic back up save as well as the quick save.