By DLS - 18/02/2010 18:05 - United States

Today, I realised I know the map on World of Warcraft better than the map of my own country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 253
You deserved it 44 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you live in Monaco or The Vatican that's to be expected.

actually WoWs map is quite detailed... there is a lot going on... however I also know WoWs map better than our country's... simply because I never look at an atlas but I see WoW everyday... and yes I have a life... I simply enjoy gaming


restlesspyro 0

lol shutup WoW is a life! it kicks ass

5oforlife 0

it goes from WoW to how dumb americans are? gotta love fml

I like how people make assumptions. OP did not state how ignorant he was his country's geography. He could know most of his country's map. (Maybe he does have the WOW map memorized in detail.) He still might find it sad that he knows the WOW map better than his country's.

Dear Luckyinlove803, You made me lol (roflmao).

skyeyez9 24

I never played wow, but my friend's teenage son is addicted and stays up until 3-4 am playing. His desk is littered with coke cans and that kid gained about 20lbs since he began playing. He said he wanted his computer 'for school work.' lol

LRyuzaki17 0

it's pathetic but I'm with ya, play too much and it's just what happens

Arisakentaro 0

today I'm sure you've also learned you don't know how to spell realized

Well quite honestly I'm the same way... >.> But that doesn't mean I don't know my maps... It just means I know where every city, town, Flight Path, and best flower picking spots, and also Mining spots are in WoW [World of Warcraft]. It's only sad if you know it as detailed as I do v.v