By DLS - 18/02/2010 18:05 - United States

Today, I realised I know the map on World of Warcraft better than the map of my own country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 253
You deserved it 44 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you live in Monaco or The Vatican that's to be expected.

actually WoWs map is quite detailed... there is a lot going on... however I also know WoWs map better than our country's... simply because I never look at an atlas but I see WoW everyday... and yes I have a life... I simply enjoy gaming


skeleton_skinner 0

That's no fml... It's a win!!!! That map is complicated!! **** your country's map haha you win! :D

sLsIDK 0

I'm just loving the people telling OP to get a life. I mean come on, you're posting comments on FML... Side note: I know a Warcraft 3 map by heart almost with doodads included, and I know Heroes of Newerth's main map almost by heart and could probably only name a state or two in the US (of course excluding my own and Hawaii and Alaska)

Ma56nin 0

not an FML, as the gaming maps are simpler than an atlas in real life.

I have only one thing to say to that...and it's WoW

wows map you see every day.... how often do ya pull out a map book or a globe... I know the wow map better myself!

dphilipson12 0

I don't think it's an FML at all, wow Is the only thing that matters.