Culture war bullshit

By Anonymous - 14/05/2023 06:00 - Australia - Taren Point

Today, I realised that American political BS is even in countries as far away as my own when I drove past a "Trump won" sign on my way home from work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 711
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It literally says “Australia, Taren Point” right there. Furthermore I’m not sure if the context of what specific country they’re in, aside from “not America”, was even necessary.


Context would be helpfull. The average person reading this probably has no idea who you are and what country is your own.

It literally says “Australia, Taren Point” right there. Furthermore I’m not sure if the context of what specific country they’re in, aside from “not America”, was even necessary.

indiemusicnerdgirl 20

I'm using their app and I didn't even see Australia in the location I just saw Taken Point.

How do you think it feels to live in epicenter of the bullshit? The asshole, if you will?

tiptoppc 19

Yeah, I’m pretty embarrassed at my country too. It’s usually the stupids that support this crap, and… well, 55% is really stupid, at minimum.