By anon - 01/07/2011 19:22 - United States

Today, I ran to my car and zoomed to work to avoid being late. I was in such a hurry, I forgot to close all my windows. When I got back to my car, I found a dead squirrel inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 414
You deserved it 8 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was trying to jack your car when he died of a heart attack from the adrenaline rush.

iAmScrubs 19

Put the squirrel in the passenger seat with a seat belt on it. He/she can be the best friend you never had. You can walk it on a leash, have tea parties with it, and cook it dinner. OMG, I'm so excited.


I thought this would be a typical stealing fml but the dead squirrel adds a great twist.

Airborn0280 18

Maybe the squirrel was already dead, some where close to the car and some kids thought it would be funny to put a dead squirrel in someones car.

Sunny_Eclipse 6

OP, don't feel bad. Hell, I see a new squirrel corpse every week in my neighborhood.

MerrikBarbarian 9

hey it's dinner- and precooked at that! what are you complaining about?

flashback.miss 28

Nooooooo!! Foaaaammmyyy! DX ok jk but still jeez, >>'''

R4P7OR 2