By Anonymous - 20/10/2018 22:00

Today, I was feeling a bit randy, so when my boyfriend got home, I jumped on him and gave him a proper deep-tongue kiss. I noticed he tasted a bit weird, so I asked him when he last brushed his teeth. His answer: the day we had dinner with his mother. That was 2 weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 759
You deserved it 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PenguinPal3017 19

Sounds like you should see his mother twice a day.

You hadn’t kissed him in two weeks? Your relationship smells worse than his breath, I surmise.


even though the majority of the People on this platform Seem to think so, Not every little imperfection is a reason to end a relationship.

You better brush up.... And you need some mints... And you need some mouthwash too... You better brush up You better floss again To your teeth you must be true....

See, there are indeed downsides to dating Austin Powers.

You hadn’t kissed him in two weeks? Your relationship smells worse than his breath, I surmise.

PenguinPal3017 19

Sounds like you should see his mother twice a day.

Your boyfriend is a disgusting pig. Lemme gues… he doesn’t use deodorant, either?

How did you not notice that before? That's just disgusting.

blondie45 21

Hope he is now your ex boyfriend!