By allalone - 14/07/2010 00:33 - United States

Today, I put the vacuum cleaner hose against my neck to give me a hickey, so that it would look like I got some action. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 320
You deserved it 45 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milakitty21 0

who were you trying to impress?

Stop playing with your vacuum hose and go to a club or a party....then maybe you can get laid


chapachristina4 0

hahaha!! he's a G.I.R.L!! haha WIN!! ^_^

That was time you could've spent cleaning yourself up and going out somewhere and actually talking to someone and actually getting some action. What a waste. Enjoy your hand.

did you make a hickey to vacuum cleaner?

Hickeys are disgusting and trashy. Why would you do that? No one, unless you are 12, think hickeys are anything special. Instead of spending the time on this FML you should be out meeting people so you dont have to pretend anymore! YDI....reminds me of the person who made out with the balloon.

dridri97 0

I feel bad that u have no action but u have nothing better to do than give yourself fake hickies!!!

IIIB23 0

Ugh... LLLOOO-AASSEEER Sorry dude.

I hope you use a dyson vacuum and drink water might help wv your hickeys

BubbaCatLove 0