By allalone - 14/07/2010 00:33 - United States

Today, I put the vacuum cleaner hose against my neck to give me a hickey, so that it would look like I got some action. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 320
You deserved it 45 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milakitty21 0

who were you trying to impress?

Stop playing with your vacuum hose and go to a club or a party....then maybe you can get laid


Richard_F 0

agree with 41... that's just sad though

Wow could you be anymore desperate. Hickeys aren't cute AT all! They are trashy so why don't hop off the computer & go find someone to be with (:

Guess what? People don't look at other people and say "Hmmmm, she doesn't have a hickey, she must've not had sex recently". In fact, I'm pretty sure nobody cares about if other people are having sex or not.

sickshoes12 0

Did it ever dawn on you that a vacuum hose sized hickey wouldn't look real?

TelMeBtUrShtyLyf 0

The sad truth is that the only action your getting is with the vacuum cleaner. Hickeys are trashy btw.

MissXxBipolarXx 0

Hickies aren't all that great. I mean, the feeling behind one is nice because it shows some one cares about you, but if you have a hickey, cover it up. They just make you look trashy.

deathrose_fml 0

I don't understand why you would rather get a hickey from a vacuum then a real girl...hmm.