By Kevin - 09/09/2011 12:10 - United Kingdom

Today, I wrote a fake phone number on my neck to make it look like someone had hit on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 199
You deserved it 42 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GrammarNaziFTW 0

Yeah because whenever I hit on somebody, my first instinct is to write my number on their neck.


cruxx 0

I think your hand would have worked just as well..

yougotapes 7

That's really lame... On the neck? How did u manage that?

9: a mirror, with your hand, and a pen. Doesnt seem that difficult.

If OP is so desperate he should just try asking someone out. If that doesn't work then there is always chloroform.

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

If they used a mirror then wouldn't it be backwards when some one read it? Or the "person" who wrote it would have had to have written it backwards.. Right? Or am I remembering mirror reading wrong?

^^^ and if that doesn't work there is always a bottle of lube, tissues and the epitome of mankind: Internet ****.

Doctorhowl 0

Wonder if he wrote it backwards in the mirror. That'd be a better FML

fakeaccountX 6

You deserve a punch to the face. Then it'd look like someone just plain hit you.

I hope the ink seeped through your skin and went into your vitals for being a dumbass. I could only wish

chika_yeaah23 0

who hits on people by writing numbers in another persons neck? that doesn't make sense. ydi

KaskStunter 4

What's the phone number? I want to call it now.

I hate these 'baah I'm so lonely I had to lie about it' FMLs. They're ALWAYS YDI's and not funny :/

Lol..."Hey! Why's my mom's phone number on your neck...."

@67 WHAAAT? pots calling kettles kitchen wares?

rexgar2000 10

I guess that would be hot if a girl wrote it on my neck.

Krista835 5

That's what I was thinking, I have yet to see someone give out their number by writing it on the persons neck haha.

somerandomdude19 2

Someone should hit on you.. Oops i mean hit you..

You could have it on your dick, but then again no one will ever see it.

sxe_beast 11

This sounds EXTREMELY pathetic.

NotAPedo 0

I just imagine the dude showing it off to all these people and some random old guy getting pissed off cause of the random calls he's been getting all day. "NO IM NOT NO LADY NAMED BRITTANY! ASSHOLES!!!" *slams vintage house phone*

That's what I don't get, if some chick wrote their number on my neck, how the **** would I read it the next day?

That's what I don't get, if some chick wrote their number on my neck, how the **** would I read it the next day?

Lol ever is just like "oh add me on facebook" these days

MotleyManiac 7

Haha. This is quite possibly the most pathetic thing I've ever read. YDI for sure.

RecklessJellyBea 7

On your neck? You should have punched yourself in the face.

CyonideCyns 0

.... On your neck? That's stupid of you.

Nah, man, you don't have to do that, life isn't all about dating and sex

hairguitarhero 5

Yeah, there's pizza and video games. But they're still not as good as sex. I'm not saying go rape someone. But...

Eat, drink, and drink more, for tomorrow ye shall have a weekend to sleep off thine hangover. That was too wordy. I'm gonna go brainstorm.

olpally 32

Agreed... Op sounds desperate for attention.. Jeez

enonymous 8

Almost as sad as getting turned on while 2 dogs French kiss in a picture

newjerseyguy 0

I'm thinking that the poster gets alot of rejection hotline numbers.

ssoccerchick97 16

The puppies in your pic are getting more action then op lol

GrammarNaziFTW 0

Yeah because whenever I hit on somebody, my first instinct is to write my number on their neck.

i generally go for the ****.. but never the neck :s

RedPillSucks 31

Because that's definitely where someone writes their number. You must be really good looking into mirrors and reading stuff mirror imaged.

Numbers aren't very difficult to read backwards.