By allalone - 14/07/2010 00:33 - United States

Today, I put the vacuum cleaner hose against my neck to give me a hickey, so that it would look like I got some action. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 320
You deserved it 45 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

milakitty21 0

who were you trying to impress?

Stop playing with your vacuum hose and go to a club or a party....then maybe you can get laid


i bet thats not the only thing you put the hose on ...

if OP is a guy at least he didn't use the vacuum to give him a hickey down there :) so OP quit whining & go outside & LIVE!!! we only get one life & to waste it :( it's a shame :)

Arsonnist 3

YDI for putting quotes around action.

hehe u can get more action from that vacuum;) perhaps oral sex?? ^-^ it feels ever soo good;)<3


u shouldn't be ashamed of not getting any action. ur not getting any diseases either. and ur not being called a ****. so be proud of the no action and make it more of a proclamation until u find that special someone who thinks they're stuff is special enough to wait for u too.

cheergirly16 0

Awww and lookit Ops name.... that's so sad

I think I'll stop trolling for one second to offer some serious advice: You CAN get some action. There is ALWAYS someone at least as horny as you are ugly.

Hickeys are not impressive. They look trashy. Quit playing WoW, leave your mom's basement and get out in the public. You'll meet someone.