By anonymous - 04/10/2017 20:51

Today, my boyfriend keeps trying to convince me that the hickey on his neck was from his friend attacking him with a vacuum cleaner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 487
You deserved it 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It_gets_better 19

To be honest... that sounds like a pretty possible situation.


mayhem95 12

everything is possible nowadays, but your bf stupidly tryna be a smartass *douchebag* ???

It_gets_better 19

To be honest... that sounds like a pretty possible situation.

Donut_Wizard 23

Maybe he was getting gummed in his sleep by an old toothless vampire.

They both have to do with’s not too far fetched....

azouwa 26

Props to him!! Never heard that one... I used to leave stuff with guys so their girl could find out what's up... Never left a hickey.

..Wh...Why..would you get with a guy if you knew they had a girlfriend?!

talal_icon 19

you're a terrible person. but it's the guy's fault for sleeping with you right? Why not be an adult and walk out after you find out, but no you're you dick thirsty to leave.

arioch_fml 20

geez people are naming their mouths now? that's so weird..... Good luck finding someone that deserves you Op.

Okay, that gets points for originality--still terrible that he had to come up with an excuse rather than tell the truth.

Sickamore6789 7

It is entirely possible to be attacked with a vacuum cleaner I'm speaking from experience

Today, my friend attacked my neck with a vacuum and my girlfriend thinks it's a hicky. FML