By imamess - 15/09/2014 21:37 - United States - Rockville

Today, I was going to put some Italian dressing on my salad when I noticed that the oil and vinegar weren't mixed. After putting the cap back on, I shook as hard as I could. The cap came flying off and I showered myself in the dressing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 946
You deserved it 9 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

countryb_cth 38

Instead of shaking as hard as you could, you should have put that strength into tightening the cap lol.

it's not the first thing you showered yourself in after shaking it hard.


countryb_cth 38

Instead of shaking as hard as you could, you should have put that strength into tightening the cap lol.

badluckalex 23

I always hold the cap when I shake anything

You will go far in life with this skill. Not really, but it certainly helps save time and effort.

It happens, let's just hope you weren't wearing new clothes.

it's not the first thing you showered yourself in after shaking it hard.

AnOriginalName 19

The first thing was a soda, right? .... Right?

ColonelCusswords 24
ninad7 12

I think you took the "dressing" a little too literally

Put your index finger on the lid while you shake any bottle. It prevents this from happening. :)

You could try putting your hand over the lid to secure it, but I guess that would make too much sense.

You shook that Italian so hard, it squirted all over you. ;)