By fuck my eyeballs - 01/12/2013 23:07 - United States - Rancho Palos Verdes

Today, I pulled over a speeding driver. I admit that I'd been hoping for this moment since I joined the police force; the moment a lady put her cleavage on display to get out of a ticket. Sadly, this lady was a senior citizen, and her breasts looked like two semi-deflated balloons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 096
You deserved it 22 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she still get out of the ticket? I think we are all wondering that.

Be careful what you wish for OP. You just might get it…


maggiefox 25

They were only semi deflated? Hahah. Let's be honest here.

adam_tajyar 10

That's prolly a disturbing image you'll never recover from. Haha FYL

lc1989 10

Haha! You sound like one the officers in my office. He's been hoping for the same thing!!!! This funny. Wish I could of been there to see your face!!

myeviltwin 20

Unless she was WAY over the speed limit you should have given her a warning. Someday we will all be old and saggy. She tried right?????

And I thought seeing my own grandma in a bra was bad...

That's hilarious. I wish you better luck next time.

Well that's what you get for doing something for the wrong reasons.