By Anonymous - 29/06/2016 02:17 - United States - High Springs

Today, while working as a highway patrol officer, I pulled over my girlfriend for speeding and was required by law to ticket her. Another officer was with me, so I couldn't not ticket her without being reported. We share a joint account, so I basically ticketed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 424
You deserved it 2 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lying in court is a Brady violation, really lying at all as a police officer, under any circumstances in the course of your official duties (and no it doesn't apply when you're using it as a tactic to gain a confession) is a Brady violation. Once you have that, you can no longer testify. If you can't testify, there is no point in the department retaining you and you will be terminated. Even little "white lies" can get you fired. Police can lie to the public in the course of their duties, but not to their department and certainly not to a judge. It is very unethical and immoral. 99% of officers take the whole held to a higher standard thing very seriously. In this case, if he wasn't willing to issue a warning to her in front of his partner, I guarantee he is not willing to lie in court in front of him. That's just and IA and termination waiting to happen. Besides the fact it's just wrong. However, I find it strange he was even allowed to write her a ticket due to the relationship. It's standard practice to call another officer to handle the stop or investigation if it's family, SO, friend, neighbor or nemesis to prevent bias. But I agree, the girlfriend is a jerk for putting him in that situation.


The downside of having a joint account, sorry OP.

Doesn't the girlfriend have any money of her own though? Even with a joint account, both partners usually have some personal budget, and in this case I would expect her to pay this back from her own money.

Normally I'd say it's a bad idea to even get a joint account if that someone is JUST a girlfriend. I kinda think he deserves it for that, but it's also dumb luck that his girlfriend was the one he pulled over.

Hopefully they have been together a while. I know of people that don't get married for years but will have a kid and do everything together.

My parents are "boyfriend and girlfriend" for over 26 years. Most marriages don't even last that long. Obviously op and his partner have been together long enough to be willing so share a bank account.

Damn that sucks OP but couldn't you have just given her a warning? I know different places have different laws however.

Lizzy500 16

Nope he couldn't. He said where he works doesn't allow it, and he wasn't alone. Even if he was alone, dispatch knows where he is and why. Not worth getting fired for.

Jachin357 28
r83839 22

If she goes to traffic court and you purposefully contradict yourself or say you don't remember what happened, the judge will rule in her favor and throw out the ticket. Not saying it's ethical, but there you go.

True.... unless the partner shows up to testify.

r83839 22

I thought of that, but I think the two officers presenting conflicting stories or generally not being sure of themselves would be enough for the judge to throw it out. Traffic tickets are just infractions and aren't treated that seriously.

Lying in court is a Brady violation, really lying at all as a police officer, under any circumstances in the course of your official duties (and no it doesn't apply when you're using it as a tactic to gain a confession) is a Brady violation. Once you have that, you can no longer testify. If you can't testify, there is no point in the department retaining you and you will be terminated. Even little "white lies" can get you fired. Police can lie to the public in the course of their duties, but not to their department and certainly not to a judge. It is very unethical and immoral. 99% of officers take the whole held to a higher standard thing very seriously. In this case, if he wasn't willing to issue a warning to her in front of his partner, I guarantee he is not willing to lie in court in front of him. That's just and IA and termination waiting to happen. Besides the fact it's just wrong. However, I find it strange he was even allowed to write her a ticket due to the relationship. It's standard practice to call another officer to handle the stop or investigation if it's family, SO, friend, neighbor or nemesis to prevent bias. But I agree, the girlfriend is a jerk for putting him in that situation.

Lizzy500 16

This isn't the 70s. You'll find remnants, but it's not like it used to be. Nobody hates crooked cops more than straight ones. Inner cities are war zones though.

No such thing as blue wall of silence. And #30 is right, good cops hate the bad ones who make them look bad. You think every cop is bad? The majority are honest and hard working officers who would die for you. Hate this stupid "all cops are evil we should kill them all" crap going around in society.

I think that's mostly a media problem. One bad cop gets reported all over the US, but nobody ever hears about the thousands of good ones.

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The first (and so far only) sensible response. FYL for ultimately probably paying for your girlfriend's fine but she deserves it for breaking the law.

usually i would agree with you op, but in america the vast majority of speed limits are for profit only. Especially on the highway, U.S. speed limits are filled with widespread corruption and unneeded limits

She's not learning anything if her boyfriend is paying for the ticket

DeadxManxWalking 27

I would learn #16. It's embarrassing to be caught by my boyfriend and I'd feel bad that he had to pay for it, especially knowing he would be angry at me. I have a conscience though, maybe she doesn't.

I would learn #16. It's embarrassing to be caught by my boyfriend and I'd feel bad that he had to pay for it, especially knowing he would be angry at me. I have a conscience though, maybe she doesn't.

A vast amount of government regulated things are designed to generate revenue #14, the doesn't mean some of them can't also be justified as a safety measure.

@21: The police don't make the law, they only uphold it. They have no more choice in that than any other 'regular' person. That is one of the biggest misconceptions about the police out there that just won't die...

She knew what is your job and she did this? She deserved a ticket for humiliating you in front of your colleague, and it is the least that she make amends with a dinner for you.

I'm kind of surprised you're already sharing a bank account with someone who's just a girlfriend; someone whom can leave you at the drop of a hat and potentially cleaning out your joint bank account. I'd expect a joint account to be more likely if she was at the very least your fiancée, and definitely your wife. Does your girlfriend have a job? If so, make sure the ticket comes out of her pay. It's only fair.

What if they have been been together for a long time and are one of many couples who believe in commitment but not in the institution of marriage? That could be deemed a worthy situation of a joint account. Either way, OP shouldn't feel the need to not ticket her just because they're dating.

Me and my boyfriend aren't engaged, we talked about marriage but it hasn't happened yet. We've been together for 4 years, have a baby, live together, and we have a joint account. Some people are ready for some commitments but not others, or they just don't have the money for a ring and marriage license.

My boyfriend and I share an account. I'm a stay at home mom to his 2 boys and I am pregnant with his twin girls. I need access to money to buy groceries, go to doctor appointments for me or the boys. It's not practical to not be on it.

If you are married or have kids together, it makes sense to have a joint account and you are somewhat legally protected, otherwise it just seems risky and stupid.

Even married one could take the others name off the account or empty it. Marriage doesn't protect you from selfishness. A relationship needs trust, if I can't trust you with my money how in the world should I trust you with my life and heart?

#26: you don't have the $ for ring and license but have a baby?

She said 'some' and 'they', not they themselves. Read properly...

pussy_crusher 7

They might not have money for a ring and a license because of the baby. Kids come first.