By gali-ma - 07/02/2015 12:52 - Australia

Today, I posted a photo on Facebook of me at a club with some friends. The first comment it got was "Just got a stiffy. 10/10." Thanks for that, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 525
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Check and mate. Dad troll for the win. That's some seriously creepy stuff. First round on me .


I think he was trying to tell you that he thinks you should be wearing more clothes... Or you need a restraining order

How do people justify this with "and that's why you shouldn't have your parents on Facebook" or "hopefully he was talking about your friends". His comment is sick. Either he has an incredibly inappropriate sense of humour and no filter, or he needs help. Talking like that to your child is unacceptable.

if the picture was of op at the club, she is more than likely no longer a child, dad troll is hilarious when done after 18

@ #42 It doesn't matter what age she was, it's a sick comment!

c_wyld 21

I shudder to think what you must be aspiring to.

allyiscute1 22

This is so disturbingly funny!(x

amileah13 26

Sooo creepy. And disgusting, can't believe your own father would say that. Disturbing

Sounds like some pretty bad Daddy Problems.

No.1 reason why you don't add parents on Facebook

Wtf. Even if he was joking that's still weird