By drunkfacebookuser - 23/10/2010 13:15 - Australia

Today, I got very drunk after being fired from my job. In my depressed, intoxicated state, I posted my facebook status as 'Goodbye world'. The only response was from my dad saying 'cya'. His comment got 29 likes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 708
You deserved it 13 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Because every one would expect you to post your suicide note on facebook?

he probably knew you were wasted. I wouldve done the same thing I hate when people bitch about how crappy their lives are on facebook


RedPillSucks 31

Because every one would expect you to post your suicide note on facebook?

It would've been funnier if he said don't let the bed bugs bite. :)

Your dad should've said don't let the bed bugs bite. That was my last comment. Why did it got moderated? The FML people who moderated comments said "Stale!" and moderated it.

The comment(s) aren't related to the post you're replying to :-)

11 most of the people who threadjack don't get moderated why should I? oh well.

if I was your father I would have replied "hello las Vegas!!!"

there liking your status, u can't like comments on facebook retard

Actually I just saw this news article about the Rutgers student whose last words were on facebook 'jumping off the [George Washington] bridge sorry'. And he did it.

Busyboy, you are making yourself look incredibly foolish by posting an incorrect statement which is also grammatically incorrect and then calling OP a retard. In other words, you're a dumbass.

28 Likes? Never seen that many on a comment.

which is why you use tumblr. tumblr = understanding people

The first rule of Tumblr is you do not talk about Tumblr. The second rule of Tumblr is YOU DO NOT ******* TALK ABOUT TUMBLR!

Kay lovey, nice to see you! :) Exactly Redpillsuck! OP's just trying to get sympathy, he's probably some whiney asshole whose a total drama queen.

tweetbaby14 18

well, OP, if you want to die so badly that you'd post it on facebook.... no, actually, posting your "last words" on facebook is another way of saying "waaah! I want attention! someone better send me a comment to stop me or I'll delete you all off my friends list!". people like you annoy me OP. stop teasing us with your death and just do it already.

Kimfrey 5

Actually, yes you can like comments made on a status on Facebook.

god u all have no lives I posted tht just to c how many ppl wud try and argue with me... sad haha

chuk_norris_fml 0

The real FML here is that OPs parents know how to use Facebook

my2centsworth 15

Yes, one can "like" the comments on facebook, brain surgeon.

nigalangelospizz 0

maybe if someone close to you committed suicide you'd be less callous.

Person000 0

yeah #33 he jumped off the bridge because his roomate secretly taped him having homosexual relations and posted it on the Internet so he killed himself, you should be careful what you say online the government is making new laws that enables them to prosecute online harassment especially if it causes suicide.

tumblr = 4chan's reblogger most pictures and Memes on tumblr came from 4chan

ydi for pretending to be suicidal for attention. douche.

desertrose415 8

Sorry to be late to the party but why couldn't someone post a suicide note or hints to their suicide on Facebook? I knew someone who did that. It's not attention-seeking, it's asking for help. You wouldn't understand unless you've been there or had a close friend who was, so I can't blame you for not realizing it, but you guys are kind of being complete assholes right now..

LeaAnne94 17

Welcome to the Internet. It's full of assholes and that won't change.

Uh what do u expect him to say? No don't leave the world?

pippymiskers 4

Uh, yeah. I think he did. It's his dad.

Wow, your parents must have really hated you if that's how you expect a parent to react to his or her child's intent to commit suicide.

NEVER use facebook whilst intoxicated. Or even better, just avoid using your phone

lalagirl912 0

95, your pic makes me sick >.< I don't like pizza! lol sorry, it just made me feel nasty.. had to let you know. xD

nood_fml 0

Maybe he had the right response, considering you weren't actually going to kill yourself.

colorguardgeek 8

maybe they knew you were drunk or interpreted it differently. that does suck. I'm sorry.

he probably knew you were wasted. I wouldve done the same thing I hate when people bitch about how crappy their lives are on facebook

Except that people are highly more likely to take their own life while intoxicated. You know, due to the whole impaired judgement thing that getting "very drunk" does to you?

UnicornsDoExist 0

That's hilarious. Your dad wins.

I was going to ask how they could type that correctly if they were so drunk, but then I had a flashback and remembered that being drunk doesn't impare everything.

if it doesn't you're not the right type of drunk.

Not true. When I was a student I once woke up to find an immaculately rolled joint in my jeans pocket. I had no recollection of getting home, let alone rolling it, I was that drunk the previous night.

nood_fml 0

Holy crap 110! Even though im against drugs (but not alchohol) I salute you for your epic-ness!

mintcar 9

Hahahah, I probably shouldn't be laughing at this. Haha.

xXBlAcKxWiDoWXx 0

Aww my comment disappeared. :'(