By gali-ma - 07/02/2015 12:52 - Australia

Today, I posted a photo on Facebook of me at a club with some friends. The first comment it got was "Just got a stiffy. 10/10." Thanks for that, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 528
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Check and mate. Dad troll for the win. That's some seriously creepy stuff. First round on me .


Even if it was intended as a joke, it is still disgusting and completely inappropriate.

RenoTheRhino 30

Let's hope he was only referring to your friends.

As if there weren't enough reasons to not friend your parents on Facebook... Ew!

abraybro 27

That is so wrong on so many levels.

iTzSelverZz 14

And thats why you don't add you parents on facebook

or make a completely different one for family only *continues to barf

daydreamer244 13

I think it's time to have a talk with your dad.

Top reason why NOT to have the parents on Facebook.

I didn't realize this occured so often that it made the top reason not to have your parents as friends on facebook. I thought it was just so they don't snoop on you.

ber4fun 23

Wow, hopefully he just has a different sense of humor.

Check and mate. Dad troll for the win. That's some seriously creepy stuff. First round on me .