By comet5002 - 09/09/2009 04:15 - United States

Today, I played a goth character in my friend's student film with goth clothes, lip ring, eyeliner, etc. We went into Starbucks at break and an elderly man came up to me and said "Your kind is the reason for all the bad stuff in this world" and then spat in my $5 drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 829
You deserved it 5 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kylias 6

No, the people who mind their own business aren't the reason for bad "stuff" in the world, it's the dickheads who feel they need to irritate the people who mind their own business.

oh damn. that'd suck you shoulda turned to him and said, "don't judge what you don't know. I'm not 'this kind' of person you're talking about. this is for a school project." then chuck your $5 drink in his face


This old man seems to be under the impression that without emo kids, everybody else would be perfectly happy and there would never be any conflict. The emo kids are the few who have it right. Conflict would be almost completely eliminated if you eliminated all of the religious, stupid, greedy, and overly aggressive people in the world. So almost nobody would be left. People are inherently flawed, and THAT is why the world is so ****** up. Everybody is to blame, myself included.

gorguz14evar 0

I am a goth, and Im nice. Whats wrong with being goth? I think hes thinking of emos.

Should have punched him in the face. Old age doesn't give you permission to run your mouth without consequences.

what a ******, shows that people judge people because of ******* looks, **** him, people like that shouldn't exsist

i hope you threw your drink on him! especially if it was a hot one.

positivity 0

So now you know what kind of shit goths have to put up with every day. Be brave, my black-cloaked friends!

driedpeaches 0

should of called a cop, if you just sat there and took it, YDI

_system_ 0

Chavs and religious people are what's wrong with the world. Fact.